Friday, March 18, 2016

Stuff I Just Can't Believe

We finished our Whole 30 just in time for Audrey to have a birthday and get a life. Next week she gets her drivers' license.  I just want somebody to tell me where my baby went.

I have written two long blog posts about our whole 30 experiment, and I hate both of them. Suffice it to say that I hated whole 30 for 29 days. On the evening of the 29th day, I realized suddenly that my cravings were gone. Vamoosed. I didn't need or want anything treaty in my mouth.  Two days later was Audrey's birthday and we gorged ourselves on cake and ice cream and pasta and cheese, and I felt so sick that night.  In my agony, I vowed to keep up my new habits, and stop randomly putting crap in my mouth. I worked hard to get rid of those cravings, and I want them to stay gone.I can't believe that I made it thirty days without any sugar, caffeine or flour. I can't believe it took me 29 stinking days to stop craving all the junk. I can't believe I ate so terribly my second day off the diet. I can't believe I had a diet coke yesterday and didn't even like it. I just don't know WHAT to believe anymore. Oh, and I lost seven pounds. If it isn't obvious, I'm a little conflicted over the whole thing.

Olivia is having a sleep over tonight. I can hear her and her friends in her bedroom, belting out "I wanna know what love is...." and then one of them said, "You have no idea what love is!"  Friday night entertainment, just across the hall.

Audrey's birthday celebrations continue tomorrow with Waffle Wars. She is having a waffle making party in our basement. I will be upstairs, probably making waffles for everyone and having angst over whether I should eat one or not. Which reminds me of pancakes. We made green smoothie pancakes on St. Patrick's Day, and they were so good. Spinach, eggs, flax, banana, and a little flour and baking soda, served with runny frozen strawberry jam.  Who knew spinach could make a pancake green?

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