Saturday, April 16, 2016

TJOA Day 16

Duncan arranged for and carried out a social activity all on his own today. He told me a few days ago that he was going to invite his friend Bryce over to watch Star Wars. Bryce is a recently returned missionary in our ward, who is busy with work and school, so I warned Duncan that he might not have time to hang out on a Saturday. I had to work today, so I didn't think much more about it, but when I got home from work this afternoon, Duncan and Bryce had just gotten back from lunch, and were getting ready to watch Star Wars in our downstairs.

Duncan initiates activities with his friends about once a year, but whenever he does, he is just so darn pleased about it. When he got home today, he just gave me this proud and happy look, that said, "yeah Mom, I did it!" As his mom, I'm always afraid that his buddies won't make time for him, and always relieved when it works out. He has only a handful of people he would ever voluntarily spend time with. If you are on that list, it's an honor. And if you are on that list, thank you. It means you are a pretty awesome person in my book.

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