Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reason Number 13473

One of the many reasons I love Audrey: Tonight, all the boys at our house were gone to the priesthood meeting at the conference center.  Whic means that me and the girls had the TV to ourselves, so of course we went and got some chocolate and a movie.  And the movie Audrey picked? Spiderman.  I said we were having a girls night.  I said we should pick a chick flick, something we could never get away with watching when the boys were home. No, she said.  I'm not into all the mushy romantic stuff anyway, she said.  I would rather watch Spiderman.  THAT is my girl!  No Twilight crap for the women in this house, it's action/adventure and sci fi all the way.  Also, she picked strawberries for her treat tonight.  Over chocolate.  Not sure where she got THAT preference from, but  I like it.  And I like her.

Here is another reason to love Audrey: she is over 200 pages into writing her book.  She spent almost her entire spring break writing.  She is not yet ready to share the plot or to let anyone read any of it.  She wants to finish the first draft.  So I have no idea what it is about, but I'm excited to find out, and I'm amazed that she has stuck to this project for so long and come so far.

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