Sunday, November 6, 2016

Halloween 2016

 This is what happens when kids grow up and don't need Halloween costumes anymore. You start dressing up your dog. We couldn't resist outfitting her in a poncho and sombrero in honor of Elder Metcalf.  And we are already planning next year's costume.  And yes, that is a dog standing on my kitchen counter. Never in the history of me would I believe that I would ever allow a dog on my kitchen counters. It was the only place I could get a good picture of her. And lets be real, she has most likely been up there before when no one was watching.

Fortunately, I do still have one kinda little munchkin who still believes in trick or treating. She was a fortune teller this year, and it took quite a bit of doing to get a good picture of her amazing costume. Sometimes we just get weird light out here in the land of big sky.

She went trick or treating with her pals Josie and Lili again. They were out much longer than usual this year. Normally, they are done after about an hour, but this year they roamed the streets for most of the night. As it should be on beautiful Halloween. We got fewer than normal trick or treaters this year, which suprised me with how nice the weather was.

Even Piper got in on the trick or treat action.

This year we moved our fire pit in the front yard and sat outside with the candy. It kept Piper from barking her head off all night and made for some nice visits with the neighbors. Maybe next year we will have a Halloweeny roast.

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